Worship & Communion Services

2023 March 5th (beginning) Grace United Church

2023 March 26th (Lazarus Spring) Grace United Church

2023 April 2nd (High Leaves) Grace United Church

2023 April 6th (The Judas Key) Grace United Church

2023 April 7th (Good Friday Iron Love) Grace United Church

2023 April 9th (Easter Sunday Youth) Grace United Church

2023 April 9th (Easter Sunday Rising Tide) Grace United Church

2023 April 16th (Youth time doubt with baseball) Grace United Church

2023 April 16th (Embracing Doubt) Grace United Church

2023 April 30th (Love All Hate None with Youth) Grace United Church

2023 April 30th (Open the Gates with Jesus Love) Grace United Church

2023 June 4th (Rainbow Trinity) Grace United Church

2023 June 11th (Identity in God) Grace United Church

2023 June 18th (Healing Laughter) Grace United Church

2023 June 25th (The Best of Goodbyes) Grace United Church

2023 October 1st (World Communion Sunday) Kamloops United Church

2023 October 8th (Thanks-Giving Sunday) Kamloops United Church

2023 November 19th (AI & Healing's God's Creation) Kamloops United Church

2023 December 24th (TBD) Kamloops United Church

2023 December 31st (TBD) Kamloops United Church